What’s up?! Be back in the fall + #CEFD

I have been really really neglecting this blog lately. I could fill up these lines with all of my excuses like traveling, editing, writing, working and finishing school, but it doesn’t change the facts. Yes, I’ve been way too busy, but it’s all my time-management that caused it, so no complaining. And of course the blog is always in the back of my mind so I got a nice notebook full of notes, drawings, layouts, plans, etc… 😉

In the next 5 months I will be in computer-close-situations basically only for 6 weeks. Besides that, I will travelling and working behind the “real” life in the actual real life which I really can’t wait. But in September I’ll be back, right in time to refresh everything and be more than ready for the Central European Fashion Days right here in Budapest just after the Paris Fashion Week.

I spent a little time with the organizers this Tuesday at their press conference about the “Gombold újra” international competition (finally with 6 countries in, can’t wait!). This year the young designers form Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia and Serbia all have to get their inspiration from our home outside of home – from one of the other Central European countries besides their own. I bet it’s gonna be a polychrome runway in the final. I’m really excited about it, so in like half a year, I tell you a lot more about it, I just ask for a little time.


London Menswear AW14-15

Hmmm.. those British guys, right, girls?! Real gentleman, who were born with the sense of style. (Prince William, Tom Hiddleston, Orlando Bloom, David Beckham, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jude Law, Douglas Booth, David Gandy, Gary Barlow…) Although, I must add that we might love British guys so much, but the runway was filled with our models! 😉

Hmmm.. azok a brit pasik, ugye lányok?! Igazi gentleman-ek, akiknek a stílusérzék feltétlen reflex. (Vilmos herceg, Tom Hiddleston, Orlando Bloom, David Beckham, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jude Law, Douglas Booth, David Gandy, Gary Barlow… ) Bár, hozzá kell tennem, hogy hiába szeretjük ennyire a brit pasikat, a kifutó tele volt a mi modelleinkkel! 😉 Continue reading

Párizsban járt az ősz

“Párisba tegnap beszökött az Ősz.
Szent Mihály útján suhant nesztelen,
Kánikulában, halk lombok alatt
S találkozott velem.”

Beleszerettem Alexis Mabille és Frank Sorbier kollekcióiba a Paris Haute Couture F/W Week-en!


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